BMU has received notification that electric loads are projected to be high again today as temperatures and humidity continue to rise across the PJM region and the eastern area of AEP. There is still a good chance of setting a new 5 CP and a 1 CP, so BMU hereby respectfully requests your voluntary assistance in reducing local electric loads during the highest peak demand times projected for Today, August 28th from 4 PM – 6 PM. This energy reduction request helps to avoid additional capacity charges from the PJM Interconnection regional transmission organization and additional transmission costs from American Electric Power.

If you have processes that can be interrupted, operated at reduced levels for a few hours, or scheduled to a different time without creating major business disruptions, it will help make a difference. If you can simply turn off any unnecessary lights, air compressors, computers, or other electric-powered equipment, or set cooling thermostats to the highest comfortable temperature, it will also help.

BMU plans to operate the Bryan Power Plant generating units, Bryan Solar Field, and Auglaize Hydroelectric Plant during these peak demand periods. We will also interrupt the operation of the Water Department well pumps and water treatment plant and rely on the City’s two water towers to maintain system pressure. At the utility office, we will turn off unnecessary lights and electric-powered equipment and set cooling thermostats to the highest comfortable temperature.

BMU will also post notices on the BMU Facebook page asking electric customers to voluntarily conserve energy during the peak demand periods of this Community Energy Savings Day. If you have any questions regarding this request, feel free to contact Derek Schultz, Director of Utilities at 419-633-6101.

Thank you for your continued assistance in helping to conserve energy during these peak demand alert times. Collectively, even small efforts can make an impact.