Local municipal electric utilities ask for customer conservation Friday

As temperatures remain in the 90s across the eastern United States this week, Bryan Municipal Utilities, Montpelier Utilities and Edgerton Utilities  ask their electric customers to voluntarily reduce electric use from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday, July 19, to avoid additional capacity and transmission charges that may otherwise end up in future electric [...]

2019-07-19T11:28:38-04:00July 18th, 2019|

BMU to issue peak alerts to help trim electric bills

Bryan Municipal Utilities (BMU) Summer is here and BMU will again ask for customer assistance in managing peak electric demands during periods of hot, humid weather this summer in an effort to save money on local electric bills. A significant portion of BMU’s power supply cost is based on how much electricity the community uses [...]

2019-06-26T13:19:10-04:00June 26th, 2019|

2018 BMU Annual Report Available

You can view an online version of the report below.  You can also call our main office at 419-633-6100 and request a printed version, or stop by the office at 841 E. Edgerton St.  

2019-06-14T11:09:41-04:00June 20th, 2019|

Townline Road Water Main Project Begins June 21

Townline Road Water Main Project Begins June 21   Bryan, Ohio—Bryan Municipal Utilities’ Townline Road Water Main Replacement Project is scheduled to begin Friday, June 21, at the intersection of High Street and Townline Road. The Project includes installation of approximately 4,400 feet of 12-inch water main, seven fire hydrants and 30 water service lines [...]

2019-06-21T08:57:52-04:00June 20th, 2019|

Fire Hydrant Flushing begins on April 25

  Fire hydrants throughout the city of Bryan are flushed and serviced annually. This year, the process will begin on April 25 and will continue through the end of May depending on the weather. Crews will be flushing hydrants neighborhood by neighborhood. We ask that residents in the refrain from washing laundry between the hours [...]

2019-04-22T14:01:58-04:00April 22nd, 2019|

BMU Recognized as Reliable Public Power Provider

  Shown front left to right with the award are Jackie P, Matt K., Sylvia R., (Back) Adam B., Al S., Jim C. Bryan Municipal Utilities (BMU) has earned Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) designation from the American Public Power Association (APPA) in recognition of the municipal utility providing reliable and safe electric [...]

2019-04-15T14:26:41-04:00April 15th, 2019|


Bryan Municipal Utilities has earned the American Public Power Association’s Safety Award of Excellence for safe operating practices in 2018. The utility earned a 1st place award in the category for utilities with 30,000 to 59,999 worker-hours of annual worker exposure. Keith Cutshall, Chair of the Association’s Safety Committee and Safety Director at Clarksville Department [...]

2019-04-05T10:29:52-04:00April 5th, 2019|

Cooler Temperatures May Bring Higher Electric Bills

Cooler Temperatures May Bring Higher Electric Bills   Bryan Municipal Utilities (BMU) customers may see increased electric bills as a result of colder January temperatures. Colder weather typically leads to increased operating hours for home heating systems and often results in higher electric bills. It requires more energy to maintain your home at 72 degrees [...]

2019-02-04T15:36:43-05:00February 4th, 2019|

BPA Seeking Applicants to Fill Unexpired Term of BPA Member

Press Release The Bryan Board of Public Affairs (BPA) is seeking applicants to fill the unexpired term of BPA member Bob Eyre, who resigned effective January 24, 2019. Eyre was appointed to the BPA in 2018 to fill the unexpired term of Bill Pepple which runs through December 31, 2019.   Interested individuals should submit [...]

2019-01-28T12:27:39-05:00January 28th, 2019|

In cold weather, the potential for burst pipes is high.

In cold weather, the potential for burst pipes is high, and the results of frozen and burst pipes often result in extensive and costly property damage. Preventive Maintenance Disconnect, remove and store outdoor hoses. Close all inside valves supplying outdoor hose facets. Place an insulating dome or other covering on outdoor faucets and spigots. The Red [...]

2019-01-28T12:29:20-05:00January 28th, 2019|
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