We’re Hiring – Lineworker IV

Lineworker IV Link to detailed job duties. Lineworker 4 2022 Bryan Municipal Utilities is accepting applications for a line worker from apprentice level to journey level. This position engages in any of the work of electric overhead and underground construction, maintenance and repair of electric transmission and distribution equipment and lines which may be energized. [...]

2022-04-11T12:52:36-04:00April 11th, 2022|

A thank you from the Bryan Municipal Utilities Director Nathan Gardner

On behalf of BMU-Thank youOn behalf of Bryan Municipal Utilities, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of our dedicated, long-time cable television customers for their support over the years. As you may be aware, the Board of Public Affairs voted unanimously and regrettably on April 5, 2022 to discontinue Bryan Municipal Utilities [...]

2022-04-08T11:22:50-04:00April 8th, 2022|

City of Bryan Hydrant Flushing starts April 6th

The Bryan Water Department will begin its annual water main flushing program on April 6th. Bryan Municipal Utilities said it should take about two to three weeks to complete. "We start by flushing large diameter water mains and then move to smaller lines," said BMU Operations Manager Derek Schultz. Crews will flush hydrants neighborhood by [...]

2022-04-05T20:05:47-04:00April 5th, 2022|

Meter Replacement Information

Meter Replacement Information Q. When will the meter replacement program take place? A. Meter installation will begin in April of 2022 and will continue into 2023. Q. Will I get a new water and electric meter? A. Yes, but not at the same time. Your electric meter will be installed first, and your water meter [...]

2022-04-06T14:19:01-04:00April 5th, 2022|


Bryan Municipal Utilities is accepting resumes for Water Superintendent. This position is responsible for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the water distribution system, water supply and treatment facilities, water analysis laboratory, elevated storage tanks, and related components and facilities.  The position is also responsible for inventory, record keeping, and planning of all phases of [...]

2022-04-04T10:52:47-04:00April 4th, 2022|

BMU Earns ‘Diamond’ RP3 Designation for 2022 – 2025!

Bryan Municipal Utilities Earns Diamond RP3 Designation BMU is proud to announce that it has achieved the Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) Diamond designation from the American Public Power Association (APPA), placing BMU among the best-of-the-best public power utilities nationwide. Recognition by the RP3 program reveals a utility’s commitment to its employees, customers, and [...]

2022-03-30T14:13:12-04:00March 29th, 2022|

Just a friendly Reminder

We would like to remind the citizens of Bryan to please clear a path to the electric meters. If you have a fenced-in back yard please make sure to clear around the entryway gates so our meter readers can still access the backyard safely. Please do not bury your fire hydrants, dig them out so [...]

2022-02-15T12:11:24-05:00February 15th, 2022|


With the upcoming snowstorm, Bryan Municipal Utilities is asking customers to clear paths to electric meters. If you have a fenced-in back yard please make sure to clear around the entryway gates so our meter readers can still access the backyard safely. Thank you for helping us do our jobs safely, and we appreciate your [...]

2022-02-01T12:33:47-05:00February 1st, 2022|

PEAK ALERT – from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Thursday, January 27, 2022

Due to forecasted low temperatures across the PJM region, Bryan Municipal Utilities has received a notification to reduce local electric loads from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Thursday, January 27, 2022, to avoid additional capacity charges from the PJM Interconnection regional transmission operator and also transmission costs from American Electric Power (AEP).   We [...]

2022-01-26T15:28:29-05:00January 26th, 2022|


Bryan Municipal Utilities is accepting applications for an Account Clerk to fill the position of Accounts Payable.   Primary responsibilities will consist of processing accounts payable invoices for payment, including coding; resolve A/P issues; review and maintain purchase orders; create and update vendor records; budget billing; data analysis; answering phones and record keeping. https://www.cityofbryan.net/employment/ Interested candidates [...]

2022-01-26T11:51:04-05:00January 26th, 2022|
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