BMU experiences system-wide electric service interruption

  At 11:11 p.m. on Thursday, May 31, service to all Bryan Municipal Utilities (BMU) electric customers was interrupted. Crews were immediately dispatched to investigate the cause of the service interruption. It was determined that last night’s adverse weather caused a windborne tree limb to come in contact with a lightning arrestor, causing a short [...]

2018-06-01T11:26:36-04:00June 1st, 2018|

BMU to issue peak alerts to help trim electric bills

Bryan Municipal Utilities (BMU) will again ask for customer assistance in managing peak electric demands during periods of hot, humid weather this summer in an effort to save money on local electric bills. A significant portion of BMU’s power supply cost is based on how much electricity the community uses during peak demand periods. These [...]

2018-05-31T10:06:25-04:00May 31st, 2018|

BMU Recognized for Reliable Electric Service

Bryan Municipal Utilities recently received national recognition for achieving exceptional electric service reliability in 2017. The recognition comes from the American Public Power Association (, the trade association that represents more than 2,000 not-for-profit, community-owned electric utilities. APPA helps members track electric service interruption and restoration data through its subscription-based eReliability Tracker program and then [...]

2018-05-29T20:53:36-04:00May 9th, 2018|

Bryan Fire Hydrant Flushing Program Begins

Spring is in the air, so that means it is time for spring cleaning—or flushing—for Bryan Municipal Utilities’ water distribution crew. The Bryan Water Department began its annual water main flushing program on April 12. The program will take approximately three weeks to complete. “We start by flushing large diameter water mains and then move [...]

2018-05-29T20:53:36-04:00April 13th, 2018|

South Walnut Water Main Work to Begin April 9

Construction of Bryan Municipal Utilities’ South Walnut/East South Street Water Main Improvement Project is tentatively slated to begin Monday, April 9.  The project area includes South Walnut Street from Maple to South streets and East South Street from Walnut Street to Meadowbrook Road. The project includes replacement of aging four- and eight-inch cast iron lines [...]

2018-05-29T20:53:36-04:00April 5th, 2018|

Street Light Outage Reporter

We want to keep our neighborhoods well lit and safe at night. Do you know of a streetlight problem? Please report it so we can repair it promptly. All you need to know to report a problem is the pole number and/or the location of the streetlight.  Click the link for more information:

2018-05-29T20:53:36-04:00March 20th, 2018|

City Representatives Take Electric Issues to Capitol Hill

Bryan Mayor Carrie Schlade and BPA member Karen Ford (on right) recently met with Congressman Bob Latta in Washington, D.C. to discuss federal issues that impact local electric bills (AMP Photo) Mayor Carrie Schlade and BMU representatives recently met with federal legislators in Washington, D.C. to discuss issues impacting local electric rates. Mayor [...]

2018-05-29T20:53:38-04:00March 14th, 2018|

Cable TV Spring Sun Outage

Twice each year, in the spring and in the fall, cable companies, like BMU,experience a phenomenon known as “sun outages.” Basically a sun outage occurs when a satellite from which we receive TV programming becomes directly in line with the Sun, and interference from the Sun’s electromagnetic rays create reception issues for the satellite signals. [...]

2018-05-29T20:53:38-04:00March 1st, 2018|

Tips to prevent frozen water lines

While temperatures have been above normal so far, the forecast calls for temperatures cold enough to freeze unprotected water lines. The Bryan Water Department would like to encourage residents to take the following precautions: Protect exposed pipes from cold air drafts by closing and sealing windows and any exposed openings in basements or crawlspaces. Provide [...]

2019-01-25T09:01:17-05:00January 20th, 2018|
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